Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Meeting New Friends at Little Jo's Fairy Gardens

Every year the dolls at Grandma's house look forward to a party celebrating new friends and remembering old friends who have moved away.  This year the party will be In late September or early in October.  American girl Samantha, Broken Pot Fairy Garden, Container Gardening, Doll Stories, Dolls, fairy garden, JLY #16, Just Pretend doll, Laurel The Wood Fairy, Stardust classics, Raised container Gardening,
That being said,  it should be noted that the dolls do have minds of their own.  Our three newest dolls decided that they wanted to see the fairy garden that was outside the window where they sit.   They wanted to watch the hummingbirds that played above the fairy gardens.  The birds were enjoying their freedom to soar in endless swoops and dives.  It does seem as if the tiny birds are playing outside the window from the time the early morning sun rays spread across the dew kissed gardens until the shadows of evening start to cloak antics.                       
Laurel The Wood Fairy                
 Broken Pot Fairy Garden, Container Gardening, Doll Stories

Laurel wanted to see what was outside of the window for herself.  She connived with Cheetah (the families huge cat) to sneak the door open long enough for her and Lit'l Bee (our new Effanbee baby doll) to escape for a little while.  Sammie (our new AG cousin) was watching as Cheetah stretched his body as long as he was able to so that he could reach the latch on the door.  Once the door opened Sammie scampered out the door right behind Laurel and Lit'l Bee.  Cheetah closed the door quickly behind them Just as Grandma saw the girls escape out the door.  Grandma smiled and grabbed her camera so that she could take pictures of their adventure.
Lit'l Bee

Effanbee doll
Sammie had to stand on her chair so that she could get a good look at Grandma's Fairy Garden
American girl Samantha, Broken Pot Fairy Garden
The Fairies keep a dragon by the front door of their flower pot home to help keep the garden spiders out of their house.
American girl Samantha, Broken Pot Fairy Garden,
American girl Samantha, Effanbee, Container Gardening
Laurel enjoys watching after Lit'l Bee.  Sometimes Sammie likes to watch the Lit'l Bee Doll Baby too. Lit'l Bee looks a bit afraid of the dragon that guards the entrance to the fairies cozy Flower pot home.  Laurel made sure to stay close to Bee's side to help her to not be as afraid of the dragon.
Just Pretend Laurel The Wood Fairy Stardust classics doll, Raised container Garden,
fairy, garden, raised container gardens, dolls

American girl Samantha, Broken Pot Fairy Garden,

Sweet Sammie held the Lit'l Bee baby doll until she quit trembling from fear at the sight of the dragon in the fairy garden
American girl Samantha, Broken Pot Fairy Garden, Container Gardening,
I suppose the dragon would seem very scary to such a little doll like Bee
Broken Pot Fairy Garden, Container Gardening

My goodness!  the fairy gardens do look so pretty from above - almost like the Emerald city from the Wizard of Oz.
Broken Pot Fairy Garden, Raised container Gardening
It's time for the girls to go in now that the evening air is starting to feel chilly.
Broken Pot Fairy Garden,  Raised container Gardening,
Here are a few sneak previews of the post Grandma will post over at Plum Creek Place this coming week, (after they are posted a link will be added to this post so you can see for yourself).  First there are a few peaks at the new Mermaid Fairy Garden
Mermaid fairy garden, cantainer fairy garden,

Mermaid Fairy Garden, Container Gardening,

Mermaid  Fairy Garden, Raised container Gardening,
And there is a small Mermaid Garden with a big conch shell for the fairy to live in.
Mermaid Fairy Garden, Raised container Gardening,
There is a little Pirates Cove Fairy Garden too - my it does look like the Black Pearl is sneaking out of the cove to head out to the high seas.
Fairy Garden,  Raised container Gardening,

Fairy Garden,  Raised container Gardening,
We hope to see you over at Plum Creek Place next week.

Laurel, Sammie and Lit'l Bee along with Little Jo and all of her cousins will be back in a few weeks for their tea party.  See you then!